If you’ve been in a relationship for awhile, chances are, it needs a little refreshing. Do you remember how it was in the beginning? You two made a constant effort to keep your love alive. Below is a list of 15 inspirational quotes to help you realize how special your love is, and to share with your partner, to remind them as well.
Are you ready to travel with your partner? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you dating a narcissist? They can easily be spotted. Take a good look at the signs and traits of a narcissist to see if the person you are dating displays many of them.
What is self-worth and how do you measure yours?
According to dictionary.com, self-worth is defined as the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person
It’s important to know how your child feels loved. Learn here!
Living intentionally means creating and living the life that you want. Life doesn’t just happen to us when we live this way.
I Can Only Imagine tells the story behind the best-selling Christian song of all time, by Mercy Me. I had only seen one trailer…
Are you considering being in a relationship with a man who drives a truck over the road for a living? Are you already dating or married to a truck driver?
1. The Notebook You can read a review of this movie on this site but I will tell you right here, it is the…
Have you ever noticed a pattern of when you and your man break up? Is it during PMS week? Is it right before you…
Are you dating a person who always needs to be needed? Are they constantly asking what they can do for you, or fix for…