
Computer Issues

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So, I am sitting at a surgery center for the 4th time, waiting for Cole to have another surgery on his shoulder. I am frustrated as hell because, already knowing there is nothing to do here, I brought my laptop. But, I have tried and tried and tried to connect to the internet with no success, to the point of wanting to throw my computer!

I clicked on the troubleshooting link on my computer with high hopes of it fixing itself, but no! It took me to a section that tells me my options for getting help with my connection issue-which again is the issue that I can’t connect to the internet. I can’t even believe what is listed as my option. It says-If the problem still exists you can try the following to resolve your issue:

ONLINE SUPPORT-For technical assistance you can contact customer support online.

What??????? Why on earth would that be an option for someone who can’t connect to the internet? OMG! Please!

I am typing this in WordPad by the way, and will upload it when I get home. Ugh!